Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hatchet Chapter 13

How much time has passed since the last chapter? How is Brian different? Where do you think his new confidence has come from?

Hatchet Chapter 12

What would you do in Brian's position? How would you keep your spirits up after having the plane fly away? Tell me what your plan would be.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Hatchet Chapter 11

Which of these designs would you use to build a signal fire? Why? Do you have a design that you think might work better?

Hatchet Chapter 10

Do you think you would eat these eggs raw? Explain how you might cook these eggs if you only had Brian's tools.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hatchet Chapter 9

Brian makes fire in this chapter. Why do you think he calls it a friend?

Remember that you can comment and ask each other questions. Looking and thinking about what others have written may help you with your own writing!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Hatchet Chapter 8

Remember to check your Literature Circle Roles posted on the "Jail". Why do you think the porcupine was trying to get in Brian's shelter?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hatchet Chapter 7

From now on we will be using Literature Circle Roles for our blog. You will find a chapter schedule on the "Jail" in class. Please read the schedule carefully. Directions for the Literature Circle Roles are located to the right of this page. After you have completed you roles feel free to make comments and ask questions.

Please continue to use Microsoft Word to compose your responses and include complete definitions when you are the Vocabulary Enricher.
Mr. D.