Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hatchet Chapter 13

How much time has passed since the last chapter? How is Brian different? Where do you think his new confidence has come from?


  1. Hatchet
    Discussion director

    When Brian was walking through then woods what kind of bird do you think took off?

    What do you think Brian could have done better when he was trying to spear the fish?

    Do you think that Brian will ever get one of the fish if yes or no why do you think that?


    What do you think Brian was doing wrong when he was trying to get the fish?

    Where do you think Brian will get the string to make a bow?


  2. Hatchet

    Chapter thirteen was about Brian went out to look for those birds he almost stepped on. He called the bird’s fooolbirds and knew that some of the birds lived at the end of the lake. As he was walking up to the den he looked over and saw a bear and it was a female with two cubs. As he was watching the bears he looked up and saw a wolf and it just stared at him and then it walked out with three other wolves. After that happened he spent all night working on a bow and when morning came the bow looked really nice. As he sat there looking to see what he could use for a bow string he looked down and saw that his tennis shoes had laces so long that if he cut one in half he use each half for one shoe. So he used a whole lace and made a bow string. When he put an arrow on and drew the bow back it exploded in his face and two wood splinters went into his forehead. After that he sat up all night making a different bow and in the morning when he tried it, it worked. He then decided to go try it on some fish and when he tried he kept missing and was getting frustrated. He then remembered you half to aim low when you’re shooting in the water. So when he aimed low he ended up getting a fish and then he was getting fish by the dozen. That night Brian tried to kill him self but couldn’t.


  3. Brian is different in a way because he doesn't seem more like worried than he ust to he's more calm and laydback than he used to be.


  4. A day. He has learned more. He might have thought that if you have a positive atitude than you would be more successfull. HULK

  5. Brian is still the only character in the book. I think that he has a confident quality becuase as he was thinking that his spear was going to work it didn't cross his mind that it wasn't going to work. HULK

  6. What I have seen Brian is being less worried

    By: BatMan

  7. discussion director.

    1. Why do you think that Brian was proud when he got his first fish?
    2. Do you think that Brian will keep haveing "Feast Days"?Why?
    3. Why do you think that Brian had been counting the days since the crash?
    4.Why do you think Brian called the pheasants "foolish" birds?

    Signing off now Zack.

  8. Hatchet
    I found no words

  9. connections

    I have bow fished before so I can see how smart brian had to be. I got that one on the first page of the book. I have got the same feeling that Brian got when a animal that is a predator came behind him. I got this on page 120

  10. The one were it says about bow fishing and the predator is mine.

