Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hatchet Chapter 12

What would you do in Brian's position? How would you keep your spirits up after having the plane fly away? Tell me what your plan would be.


  1. What I would do to keep my spirits up is just focus on living and not dieing.


  2. Hey MrD I accidently put my roll for chapter twelve on the chapter thirteen blog. Just letting you know.


  3. Anonymous said...
    Discussion director

    When Brian was walking through then woods what kind of bird do you think took off?

    What do you think Brian could have done better when he was trying to spear the fish?

    Do you think that Brian will ever get one of the fish if yes or no why do you think that?


    What do you think Brian was doing wrong when he was trying to get the fish?

    Where do you think Brian will get the string to make a bow?


  4. In chapter 12 Brian is observant. The proof is on page 115 when he hears the plane motor.
    Another is that Brian is careful. The proof is on page 115 when he does small chips off the piece of wood for the bow in order not to break it. The last one is that he is smart. The proof is on page 112 when Brian thinks of the bow to make the spear go faster.

    Signing off Zack.

  5. How could Brian make it go faster?

    By: BatMan

  6. How could Brian makethe spear go faster?

    By: BatMan

  7. How could Brian make the spear go faster?

    By: BatMan

  8. summary
    Brian tried a fish spear and it didn't work. Then he sharpened a piece of wood to a needle point were he wasn't satisfied and then made two points.He then thought that he should make a bow and arrow because its faster than a spear. Brian finally got full when he had a egg and a lot of berries. Brian was walking in the woods when a bird flew up about the size of a small chicken. After that Brian heard a plane so he tried to signal the plane with fire.

  9. One time I was fishing and there was no fish where I was. I have carved a spear like thing at my house before when I was bored. On Survivor the TV show they have made spears to get fish. One night my dad saw a bear on our front porch then when I went outside I was careful because of the bear. HULK

  10. On vocab word I had was “spear.” I picked this word because if you don’t know what a spear it makes it hard to picture what the story is taking about. Spear means,
    Main Entry: 1spear
    Pronunciation: \ˈspir\
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Middle English spere, from Old English; akin to Old High German sper spear, Latin sparus hunting spear
    Date: before 12th century
    1 : a thrusting or throwing weapon with long shaft and sharp head or blade 2 : a sharp-pointed instrument with barbs used in spearing fish 3 : SPEARMAN

    Spear fits into the story because Brian tried to use a fish spear. Another word I had was “willow.” I picked this word because not everyone might know what willow means. Willow means,

    Main Entry: wil•low
    Pronunciation: \ˈwi-(ˌ)lō\
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Middle English wilghe, wilowe, from Old English welig; akin to Middle High German wilge willow
    Date: before 12th century
    1: any of a genus (Salix of the family Salicaceae, the willow family) of trees and shrubs bearing catkins of apetalous flowers and including forms of value for wood, osiers, or tanbark and a few ornamentals2: an object made of willow wood ; especially : a cricket bat
    Willow fits into the story because Brian was peeling a willow. Another word I had was “ overripe.” I picked this word because I don’t hear it very often. Overripe means, overripe
    Main Entry: over•ripe
    Pronunciation: \ˌō-və(r)-ˈrīp\
    Function: adjective
    Date: 1671
    1: passed beyond maturity or ripeness toward decay 2 a: DECADENT b: lacking originality or vigor
    Overripe fits into the story because the raspberries were becoming overripe.

