Friday, May 22, 2009

Hatchet Chapter 8

Remember to check your Literature Circle Roles posted on the "Jail". Why do you think the porcupine was trying to get in Brian's shelter?


  1. In this chapter I saw that Brian never gives up. When he has the dream that his father was trying to say something to him and Terry was pointing to the fire. Then when he woke up he remembered the dream and took his hatchet and made sparks. This is why Brian never gives up because he is going to make a fire.


  2. I noticed that Brian has a imagination like on page 80 in the first paragraph where it said that Brian was thinking of Bigfoot and all different kinds of monsters. That shows how Brian thinks. I also noticed that Brian wants to do every thing to save his life because on page 85 where he nicked the hatchet he didn’t like it because his hatchet was his only tool to save himself.

  3. The summary for chapter eight is that first thing is that Brian smells rot and starts to kick and gets a hurting sensation in his leg and throws his hatchet out at the rustling sound in panic and then figures out it was a porcupine. He then takes out the eight quills that were stuck in his legs. He then thought of how to make a fire with the sparks that came from the hatchet when he through it at the porcupine and it hit the dark stone. He then got a piece of the dark stone from inside the lean-to and pulled up some dry grass and piled a little pile of it and struck the hatchet on the stone towards the grass to try to make fire but it didn’t work. So he got some birch bark off the tree and struck some more sparks on that and he sparks held longer but still did not go up in flames yet. So he cut up the birch bark and it took him a long time and then he struck sparks on that and it finally caught fire. So Brian then got some bigger pieces of wood and flung them on and then he got a whole ton of big wood and decided that he was going to sleep in short breaks to keep the fire going.

    Signing off now Zack.

  4. My connection is I have seen sparks fly when my dad was sharpening his axe on a sharpening stone. I made this connection on page 80 were he threw the hatchet at the porcupine but missed and hit the rocks. This relates to the story because Brian threw the hatchet and made sparks and my dad did the same thing. This didn’t help me understand what Brian felt.

  5. In this chapter Brian goes in to a cave and he as a pain and the he hears a noise and he throes his hatchet at it and it hits a rock and it make a spark and a the porcupine needles in to Brian and that is a bad thing and also when the hatchet makes the spark the fire. Brian figures out that the hatchet is the key to it all so Brian throws the hatchet harder and harder at the rock to make a fire.

    By: BatMan

  6. My connection is I have seen sparks fly when my dad was sharpining his axe on a sharpening stone. I made this connection on page 80 were Brian threw his hatchet at the sound and it hit the wall. This relates to the story because Brian threw the hatchet then made sparks and my dad did the same thing. This didn't help me understand what brian felt. HULK

  7. 1. If you were Brian, what would you have done to defend yourself from a porcupine?
    2. Would you have done something different then what Brian did when he got attacked by a porcupine, and he was laying in the cave with needles in his leg? Yes or no and why.
    3. What did you think was in the bush before they told you it was a porcupine and why?
    4. Brian pictured a charcoal fire when he wanted fire, what do you think you would of pictured if you wanted fire like Brian?
    5. Do you think it was a smart move throwing the hatchet at the porcupine, and why?

