Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hatchet Chapter 5

In this chapter Brian starts to think about how he is going to survive. He starts by taking inventory of his possesions. What possesions do you have in your pockets that might help you survive in Brians situation?

Please notice the change in the points. In order to earn points you must complete all the tasks in a section. If you have questions please ask. Please use the Writers Express book (pg 352-354) so that you understand capitalization rules. I will be paying particular attention to this area of your writing.
Mr. D


  1. My connection is when the book said brian drank untill his stomach was swollen. Well my connection is I have drank out of a stream when I was hunting and I drank so much I got sick but didn't throw up. what made me think of this connection was on page 44 and 45.


  2. A vocab word is mounted on page 47 in paraghraph 3. I picked this word because I dont exacly know what it means. The definition is having a horse or horses for riding. It fits in the story because people woud use horses to find lost people and thats what Brian was talking about.


  3. One of the questions I have is about when Brian drank out of the lake and its on page 44 or 45. My question is when Brian was walking out on the log he said a beaver floped off the side. So my question is why would he dink that when a beaver is in the pond.


  4. My prediction is tat Brian is going to get very hungry so he is giong to set a trap for like birds or mice and find a way to make fire and cook them and eat them. What made me think of that was at the end of the chapter when the book said he was hungery.

  5. Another vocab word is amphibious on page 48 in paraghraph 1. I picked this word because I think it means small but I am not sure. The definition is to be able to land on both water and land. It fits in the story because Brian wants a plane that can ruscue him and that can land on the lake.


  6. My prediction is that Brian is ging to get very hungery so he is giong to make a trap for birds or mice find a way to cook them and find a way to make fire and then eat them. What made me think of this was at the end of the chapter when the book said he was hungery.


  7. I normally when not at school carry a pocket knife and my wallet. The knife could help him if he needed to cut something and the wallet couldn't really help him. My connection was I have had a bad sunburn on my face before in florida over winter break. I made this connection on page 45. My connection relates to the story because he had a bad sunburn on his face and I know what that feals. He helped me understand the story better because I know how he felt. I was able to make a picture in my head of the color of his face it was a bright red color because when I had it I looked in the mirror alot to see if it was gone. This didn't help me make any questions or predictions. I also had a word it was stagger-tripped. I picked this word because I didn't know what it ment. the definition is overlapping when tripped. It said that he stagger-tripped into the bank. HULK

  8. I have a vocabulary word it is viciously. I picked this word because I liked the sound of it. The word means savage and ferocious, this word fits into the story because it shows how thristy Brian was. I have another word it is teetered, I chose this word because I have never heard it before. It means that something had tip up and down. It fits in the story by showing how the log tipped up & down in the water. I have a prediction that Brian will find a way to get up and find food. I got this prediction from the last page of the chapter. I made it becuase I think that Brian will save himself by doing something. My thinking was that Brian is brave and he will not just sit there and die. I have another word it is sloshing I picked it because I liked the sound of it. The definition is splashing around, it fits in the story by showing how Brian's thoughts were like.


  9. My prediction is that Brian will use his hatchet to cut down trees and cut vines and tie the trees together to make a hut. And he will make a spear thing using his hatchet to sharpen it and kill a animal. Then he will have to use hi hatchet to skin the animal and gut it out. This is what I think Brian will do.


  10. My connection is about when Brian was viciously thirsty, on page 43 paragraph 2. This connection relates to the the story because, Brian has been lost for a while without water. This connection help me understand the story better because it tells me how long Brian has been lost. This connection helped understand Brian's feelings because I know what it is like being extremely thirsty. When I read this I pichured Brian licking his lips while realizeing how thirsty he was. A vocab word I had was "viciously", I picked this word because it is a loaded word that I do not see used as much as other words. "Viciously" means : having the nature or quality of vice or immorality : depraved(merrium webster.com). "Viciously" fits into the story because Brian was viciously thirsty.

  11. my vocabulary word is swollen. I picked this word because it sounded interesting and it fits into the story because Brians stomach swells up when he drinks all of the water from the lake. The definition of this word is Turgid or Bombastic.
    My connection to this chapter is when brian was really thirsty on page 43 paragraph two. I understood the story better because i knew almost how Brian felt becfause i was hiking up a 4000 ft mountain and i had to go up to the top and then go back down when I was only 5 years old. So I was as you can imagian very thirsty. I could understand Brians feelings better because as i said before i have been very thirsty before. this connection made me think of a picture that was Brian crawling around on the ground towards the lake looking very tired. My connection did not make me think of any questions. I also have another connection about food it was when I was cross country skinging 8 miles to get to a mexican restaraunt I was thinking about that delicious tortilla at the end of the ski. thios connection was on page 51 paragraph 4. I could understand the charachters feelings bettter because I know how it is to be very hungry for a long time but not as long as Brian. This connection made me think of a picture of Brian thinking of a big juicy burger. this connection didnt give me any quistions.

    signing off Zack.

  12. I have a connection and it is I have had at one time not now where I was. This part of the story is on page 47 on the first paragraph. It fits in to the story because he crash the plane and he does not know where he is. It also help me understand the story better. I also understud his feelings better and they were being scared because you could be some were you dont want to be. It and it gave me a better picher in my head and that picher was Brian was being nevis and Brian being surounded by trees.I will finish this blog tomro BatMan

  13. Josephine
    You need to read my post above. Did you look in the WRITERS EXPRESS to learn about capitalization? You have several uncapitalized words for which you will have point deducted from your score
    Mr. D

  14. Bob
    Try again with your vocabulary word mounted. I have not read anything about horses yet in the story. Try reading through all the definitions. Maybe you will find one that makes more sense. Making up your own ideas is not going to get you points!

  15. Another one of my connections is that one time I was hunting with my dad and we decided to stay the night in the woods and when I woke up even though I didn't sleep well I was so hungery that I felt like I could eat a foot long grinder or two. What made think of this was on page 47 when It said Brain was hungery. This also helps me understand the way Brian was feeling and how he was feeling .


  16. A vocab words are nudging on page 53. I picked this word because I did not know what it ment. And I wanted to find ot what it ment. The definition is to touch or push gently. This fits in the story because something came to his mind nudging him.


  17. Another one of my questions is wiil Brians lips get better and what made them get that way. What made me think of my question was on the second or first page of the chapter and the book said his lips were so cracked and dry that it felt like they were bleeding.


  18. Hulk
    How does sun burn feel? What did you do to make it better? What could Brian do to make it better?
    Mr. D

  19. Mr. D if you look in the dictionary it does say having a horse or horse for riding.


  20. Josephine
    What does hunger feel like?
    Mr. D

  21. Sun burn burns as you could probally tell but not as bad as Brian's. I tried to put this lotion stuff on it but that just made it worse. I would keep water on it to soothe it. HULK



  23. Anonymous said...
    I have a connection and it is I have had at one time not now where I was. This part of the story is on page 47 on the first paragraph. It fits in to the story because he crash the plane and he does not know where he is. It also help me understand the story better. I also understud his feelings better and they were being scared because you could be some were you dont want to be. It and it gave me a better picher in my head and that picher was Brian was being nevis and Brian being surounded by trees. I have two vocab words and the first word is frantic and I pick this word because I did not know what it means it means to be scard it fits in to the story because he is lost and his prents mite get scard. My last word is is obvious I also pick this word because I did not know what it means it means easaly seen it fits in to the story because he probaly cant see any thing.


  24. Zack
    You are still having problems with capitalization. Instead of talking to Josh you should pay more attention to your writing.
    Mr. D

  25. My connection is about when Brian was viciously thirsty, on page 43 paragraph 2. This connection relates to the the story because, Brian has been lost for a while without water. This connection help me understand the story better because it tells me how long Brian has been lost. This connection helped understand Brian's feelings because I know what it is like being extremely thirsty. When I read this I pichured Brian licking his lips while realizeing how thirsty he was. A vocab word I had was "viciously", I picked this word because it is a loaded word that I do not see used as much as other words. "Viciously" means : having the nature or quality of vice or immorality : depraved(merrium webster.com). "Viciously" fits into the story because Brian was viciously thirsty.


  26. my comment is for batman. the comment is that batman should check his post for spelling errors before batman actually posts it. the part that I am commenting on is the whole post. there is nothing to disagree or agree on. I can support my comment because there lots of words that are spelled incorrect.

    signing off zack.

  27. Zack
    You also have grammer issues. You need to learn and use the rules for capitalization even when you are blogging on the computer. Comments should be limited to the content of someones post and not the GUM. Please do not correct each other on Grammer, Usage and Mechanics in the future. Please spend your time commenting on ideas.
    Thanks Mr. D

  28. Part 2, another vocab word I had was “raged”. I picked this word because I thought it was a word we don’t use a lot. “Raged” means “to be in a rage”(Merriam Webster.com), “raged fits into the story because Brian’s throat was raged with thirst. My last vocab word is “trickle”, I picked this word because I thought it was a descriptive word. “Trickle” means “to flow in a thin gentle stream”(Merriam Webster.com). “Trickle fits into the story because Brian felt cold lake water trickle past his cracked lips.

