Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hatchet Chapters 3 & 4

In Chapter 3 & 4 Brian manages to crash land the airplane in an L-shaped lake without killing himself. He wakes up after the crash, finding himself alone in the Canadian wilderness.
Think about how you would feel in Brian's situation. What would you do? What connections could you draw on to help you survive?
Please look for your teachers comments in the Chapter 2 post.


  1. I have had a leg ache head ache and arm ache all at the same time. So I know that Brian felt really bad. This happend at my home when I woke up in the middle of the night.


  2. I have been atacked by lots of mosquitos and other bugs before. I know that Brian felt like he could go crazy because thats how I felt. This happend in the summer last year. The mosquito scene was in the begining of chapter 4.


  3. I have a connection when the book said it was like a green ocean on page 48. My connection is on tv I saw a show where they were showing a place and it did look like a green ocean so I know how brian thought it looked like a green ocean and I know how brian felt about it.


  4. One of my questions is could of brian died of so many misqutoe bites. What made me think of that question is when the book said there was so many bugs that he was killing them by the hundreds.


  5. At the end of the chapter I made a prediction and it wwas that brian would wake up again and there would be tons of bug and he might be able to walk a little. The part of the story that made me think of that is when he fell asleep and woke up and there was tons of bugs and that was page 36.


  6. My vocab word is grunting. The definition for it is to make a short low sound. I picked this word because it sounded intresting. This word fits in the book because he was in pain when he crawled out of the water and made a short low sound when he was in pain


  7. My prediction is that briann will have to use his hatchet to survive in the wilderness. the part of the story this was in was on page 42 paragraph 1. I made this prediction because the book is called hatchet and brians mother gave him the hatchet so he could use it and a hatchet is a good survival tool. my connection to these chapters is that i have gone down so far in the water that my lungs felt like they were going to explode. the part of this story was page 29 paragraph one. This connection helped me understand the story better because i know how brian felt how he was almost was out of breath and he was so close to the surface of the lake. As i said i knew brians feelings better because he was out of air. I was able to get a picture in my head because he was out of air and swimming. the picture was brians hair flowing in the water and his cheeks puffing out and looking up and seeing the surface with the suns rays shining on the lake so close but yet so far away. this connection gave me a question and that was how far did brian have to swim up. I had had one vocabulary word which was wincing. i pick this word because i thought it had a lot to do with the story because brian had to have been wincing a lot. the definition of this word is to draw bach or tense the body. it fits into the story because brian was doing a lot of wincing because of his bruises. signing off now Zack.

  8. I have a text to self connection for chapter 4 it is about how Brian was getting atacked by mosquitos it was on page 37 on the first paragraph this helps me understand the story better because mosquitos hurt a lot and I know what I feels like. I also can feel how Brian feels like because I was lost before and I was terrified just like Brian. I also can make a better picture of the story because I have experienced it,the picture looked like a whole ton of mosquitos everywhere atacking Brian and trying to save himself from the bugs. I had a prediction from my connection, its about Brian finding a way to keep the bugs away. I have a vocabulary word its agony I chose this word because I liked the sound and I don't know what it means. The defination of it is pain this shows how Brian was feeling


  9. My connection to chapter 4 is that when Brian was laying on the groud in pain on page 34, Sometimes when I wake up in the morning my muscls kind of ached. When I would try to get up my muscls ached even more. This helped me understand how Brian felt because I know how all you want to do is lay down and stay down. Whan I read this I could Brian jut laying on the ground. One of my vocab words was "station wagon". I picked this word because it is kind of an old fashend word and everyone might not know what it is. "Station wagon" means: an automobile that has a passenger compartment which extends to the back of the vehicle, that has no trunk, that has one or more rear seats which can be folded down to make space for light cargo, and that has a tailgate or liftgate(merriam, "station wagon" fits into the story because Brian's mom was in a "station wagon".

    Duuuuuude(Dude) part 1

  10. Another vocab word is abating.
    I picked this word because I did not know what in ment and it was an intresting word.
    The definition is to become weaker.
    It does not seem like it fits in the story.


  11. My prediction is that I think that Brian will make a little hut and be in the wilderness for a long time.

  12. My prediction is that Brian will make a little hut and have to survive on his own. And he will be in the wilderness for a long time.


  13. I agrea bob but I want to add a luttle more to it. My adistion to bobs prediction is that Brian is going to try to make a shelter that works but when he tries to make a shelter it is going to fail But then he is going to make a secsessful shelter. I think this because he said he did not know muth abot shelters.

  14. My vocab word is popped. I picked this word because it was an intresting word. And I dont know what it means. The definition is to suddenly break open something often with a short loud noise.

  15. The last one was spider mans

  16. My vocab word is popped. I picked this word because it is intresting. And I dont know what it means. The definition is to suddenly break open something often with a short loud noise.


  17. Bob
    Check your definition of the word abate. Give us the definition as it is written in the dictionary. It might mean that Brian's pain was getting weaker.

  18. A vocab word is scenery.


  19. I have two vocabulary words and the first one is gasps I pick this word because i did not know what it ment and it means to take a sudon in take of breath it fits in to the story because he judt crashed and he might be having a nightmar of him drowning and he guct wackup ind my second one is abating I olso picked this word because I do not know what is means it means releving pane a little bit by little bit it fits in to the story because he gust crashed and he is probaly felling pain and it is geting releved. I have connection and it is I have goten bad headach like Brian and some times migran but any ways this part of the story is at almost the end I helped me understand his pane and what his headach feet like and I understand Brians feeling better because I know his pane it also gave me a better picher in my head and the picher looked like him skremming on the in side and him crying and him holding his head. I have prediction and it is Brian will build a hut to servive.

    From: BatMan

  20. I think that bob could have added on more to his connection. I am commenting on the first two serntences. I agreee that if you had all those aches at the same time you would know how brian felt i just think that you could have done more with your connection. I can support my comment because bobs connection is only two sentences and on the score sheet you can get a total of 13 points for just the connection. I have another comment for bob it is in his second vocabulary word on the part were he has to tell how that vocabulary word fits into the story and he said that he doesnt think it fits into the story at all but i really think it does a lot because brian bob said that the definition of the word abating is growing weaker and since brian was haveing lots of aches i think that would make hiom grow weaker and since all of those mosquitos were attacking and biting brian i think that would make him grow even more weaker from the loss of blood. I have yet another comment for bob. my comment is that i think that bob should have told us what made him predicte that bob will have to live in a hut.

  21. Another vocab word is hummocks.


  22. the last one is zacks

  23. Spiderman the popped word is mine. NOT YOURS!


  24. Bob
    I am glad you are so interested in vocabulary words.But , I think you should look the words up and tell us the definitions. This will earn you more points.
    Look for changes in the point sheet for chapter 5.

  25. Zack Brians mother did not know he was going to get lost. The hatchet was for when he was with his father.


  26. Conection: My conection is that I saw a movie that had a seen like brian the one ware the wnsheald would fill up with trees. This helps me understand the seen beacause I saw the movie.

  27. To everyone
    If you do not sign your post I can not give you credit for your work. Please take the time to reread your work for grammer and speling and make sure you sign your work before you post.
    Mr. D

  28. I have a comment for BOB what does hummocks mean and why did you pick the word how does it fit in to the story a nother comment for BOB is on you prediction is why did you make this prediction and what was your thingking.

    From: BatMan

  29. Mr D we only had a few minutes left last week and I needed to get 20 points. That is why I got just 2 vocab words.


  30. Spiderman
    What was the name of the movie you saw? What part of the book hatchet are you talking about (page and paragraph)? How does having seen the movie help you understand Brian's point of view?
    Mr. D

  31. Zack learn how to spell Brian.
    Not Briann.


  32. I have a comment for bob. my comment is that i think you could have told us more about your word hummocks like the definition and how it fits into the story. I also think that bob could have told us why he picked the word hummock. I agree that hummocks is a good word i just think that bob could have told us more. Bob a answer to your comment to me is that i did not say that brians mother knew that he was going to get lost i just said that the hatchet is a good tool for surviveing because there is lots of different uses for a hatchet. Even if brians mom knew that brian was going to get lost she would have given him a lot more than just a hatchet she would have given him a lot of food.

    signing off zack.

  33. bob learn how to spell all of your words.


  34. bob i think you should have longer posts.

  35. Zack Brian's name is lower case.


  36. Zack you have Brian's name lower case


  37. Batman
    Can you telll us more about your headaches? How do they make you feel? Can you still think clearly when you have one? How do you think Brian's headache affected his judgment?
    Mr. D

  38. bob brians name is not capitalized nless its a the beginning of a sentence.


  39. so why did you post those two that say it should be capitalized.


  40. Bob and Zack
    This is not a competition or game. If the two of you cotinue to bicker with ach other I will ask you to write your rsponses to me using pen and paper!
    Mr. D

  41. Zack I was telling you that you had Brian's name lower case


  42. i know i did because it was right!


  43. Brian's name is always capitalized!
    Mr. D

  44. My connection is one time I was riding my dirtbike and it stalled so I thought it was out of gas. So I wanted to find a spot to park fast, so I wouldn't have to walk it up my driveway. This helps me understand how brian felt when he was trying to find a place to land it before he crashed. It was around the part right before he landed in the L-shaped water. I was able to make a picture in my head of the way that Brian's face looked when he coudn't find a place to land it. The picture looked like a nervous scared kind of look. This didn't make me think of any questions or predictions. My word was blurks. I picked this word because I didn't know what it ment. I looked in websters dictionary and they didn't have it. Mr. Douglas pointed out that it was a word that described a sound. HULK

  45. in chapter 13 i know how Brian felt when he got sprayed by a skunk because once one of my wild life adventure i got sprayed with a direct shot in the face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
