Monday, April 20, 2009

Hatchet by Gary Paulsen

In Chapter 1 we are introduced toBrian. We find out that he and his parents have recently been through a difficult divorce and Brian is on his way to spend the summer with his father. During the flight, in a small one engine airplane, the pilot has a heart attack leaving Brian alone to fend for himself.

Use your knowledge of Literature circles to comment on the first chapter. I am most interested in your connections to the story and why they are important or significant to you.


  1. I have riden in a one engine airplane before it help me under stand because ride in the copilot seat

    Bat Man

  2. Howdy this chapter was great!
    Connections: I have been in the wilderness alone like Brian so i know how he felt.
    I liked the chapter because it had a lot to do with planes I like planes.

  3. Hey I liked this chapter because I could see what was happening in my mind and all the action in it.


  4. I have a text to self when it he ws in th busk plane. I put that down because when I was eight my parents let me go in a glider for a ride. While I was in the plane we went to a lake but Im not sure what it was called. But the fun part was when he would go up then go into a dive.
    Singed Josephine

  5. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude this chapter roooooooooooooooooooocks.

  6. Whats up Jman i like your comment

  7. I have seen my great grandma have a heart attack this helps me understand how Brian felt when he saw the pilot have a heart attack


  8. Hey Bob I liked your comment

  9. I liked this chapter, it was pretty intresting. The only parts I thought were kind of weard were the part about the way the pilot smelled, and when the pilot had a heart attack.I thought it would be cool to fly bush plane. I pretty much understanded the chapter so I had no vocab words. And I don't really have any conections besides the fact that I have ridden in a plane before.


  10. this is a good chapter


  11. I think it was grose when the pilot was farting.


  12. my connection for this chapter is that i have been in a single engine plane before at the smithsonia mueseum of flight just like brian. It was an exhibit that you could go in so i could make the fins go up with the pedals and use the steering wheel.
    duuudes signing off zack.

  13. I have riden in a bush plane on my to alaska. It was the beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeest.


  15. Peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Hey guys you all rock and I think you all are the best and we should all play one pitch at recesse.


  17. Hey spiderman wheres the R in spiderman because I don't see no R and do no say you did that umperpose because we all Know you diddn't.


  18. I did not have any connections in chapter 2.
    This chapter was about Brian in the plane flying it and calling for help on the radio. He gets ahold of someone but loses him. Then he ran out of gas and threw up.


  19. HI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Spiderman put a r in your name!

  21. What made me think of a conection was when the book said the engine stalled and then he puked. Well my conection is I have been in a glider where the pilot went up and then went into a dive and I got sick. I know how Brian feels to be scared. When the pilot went onto the dive everything in the plane was like floating.

  22. What made me think of this qyestion was when the book said he puked. Well my question is did he puke because he thought he was going to die.


  23. I have one connection which is I have thrown up before so I know that Brian did not feel good when he threw up.This was at the end of the chapter when the plane ran out of gas.


  24. Right at the end of the chapter I made a prediction that Brian might die of get serriously injured.


  25. My prediction to this chapter is. I think that when he tries to land in a lake he wont be able to find a lake to land in. I came up with this because with the luck Brian has ben having on the plane.

  26. Hey bob this comment is to you and I wanted to say that I have puked before in a plane so I know how you felt.


  27. I predict that Brian will be in the wilderness and be scared and have to use his hatchet to help him survive.

    Signing of yall

  28. My connection for this chapter is that i have thrown up before. The part of the story that this connection goes to is when brian is rideing in the one engine plane and throws up. My connection relates to the story because i know that when brian throws up when he starts to go down in the plane he did not feel to good and i am sure the throwup did not taste good either. I could understand the story better because as i said i knew how brian felt. to be continued in the next one.

  29. My connection in chapter two is that I watched a show where two guys went to a nasa flight simulation to see if someone with no flight expeirence could land a plane by useing a headset radio. This connection helped me understand what Brian was going threw because I know what the two guys looked like before they used the radio. They were looking all over the place because they didn't know what controls did what and they didn't know what to do. I also know what the cockpip looked like with all the switches and such. Duuuuuude (Dude) part: 1

  30. part: 2 I predict that Brian is going to crash into the lake, I think this because Brian said he was going to try to land in the lake to try to make a safer landing. When I was reading chapter and I read the part about the lake I pitchered Brian crashing into the lake.

    Duuuuuude (Dude)

  31. Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
